GEPL Capital is a boutique financial services and investment advisory firm with over 25 years of experience. Known for its expertise and customer-centric approach, GEPL Capital serves a diverse clientele, from first-time investors to seasoned experts, offering a wide range of financial solutions. As the financial sector increasingly embraces digitalisation, GEPL Capital recognised the need to revamp its website to better cater to a broader audience and enhance the experience for its existing clients.
Expand Audience Reach: Attract a broader audience, including first-time investors, with a platform that facilitates easy access to GEPL Capital’s services for those starting with minimal investments.
Modernise the Visual Identity: Update the website’s design to position GEPL Capital as an authoritative thought leader in the financial sector while maintaining approachability.
Improve User Experience: Provide a seamless and intuitive user experience for both new and existing customers, ensuring easy navigation to the company’s digital solutions, tools, and resources.
Bokaap has a great team who can put down what you want in a user-friendly way. Their sense of design and aesthetics is one of the best I have seen.
Working with Niraali and her team was a big learning for us as well – their creative, systematic and professional approach is a rare combination to find.
-Ruchi Mehrotra Pinto, Investment Manager, GEPL Capital
Working with traditionally run businesses like GEPL Capital is always a rewarding challenge.
Many have yet to explore the benefits of investing in UX/UI design. We prioritised educating the client on our research-driven approach, outlining each step of the process during the project kickoff. This transparency ensured alignment and collaboration throughout the engagement, turning the client into a true partner in the project’s success.