What we did
Web based Cloud App Design
Mobile App Design
UX Strategy
User Experience Design

The Brief

When MProfit launched in 2009, it was a desktop-only software. In 2015, they overhauled their business model and became a cloud-based software with web and mobile applications.

MProfit needed our help with :
  • Creating a new  intuitive, easy-to-use web and mobile application.
  • Maintaining the trust of their existing customers (over 1,50,000 users) with a smooth transition to the new platform

Our Process

We interviewed MProfit’s founders and management to understand their customers’ user journey, pain points, and business goals.We conducted workshops to understand their existing desktop software — its features, functionality, the UX — and their customers. We then identified aspects of their UX we needed to change to improve the customer experience. Ease of use was paramount, and we had to ensure from the first step that there would be no room for errors in entering any financial data.

We needed to maintain all the features from the old desktop software, but improve the overall experience and accessibility.

MProfit’s app UI design by Bokaap UX UI StudioMProfit’s web app UI design by Bokaap UX UI StudioMProfit’s Mobile app UI design by Bokaap UX UI Studio

Web based Cloud App

The key with UX is to maintain familiarity yet improve the user’s experience. We made gradual and measured changes to the UX, keeping the structure of their existing software while making it more user-friendly for all users, new and old.

The target audience was a challenge. It ranged from businesses to individual users of varied age groups and people comfortable using tools such as Tally, Excel, and other financial software.

The user interface (UI) had to be intuitive and modern while keeping in mind responsiveness and user preferences. We improved the UX and UI to make the product easier for the customer to navigate and use. This way, users don’t have to search for features and functions that should be a click away. And where earlier some key features were buried in sub-menus and pages, they are now up front so users can’t miss them.

The first part of the project was to work on the web application. The old software was rudimentary in its UX with a steep learning curve for new customers. Users don’t want to spend their time learning how to use a new software — they want intuitive, easy-to-use software, or they will find another product to use. But existing users were familiar with it, and making drastic changes could alienate these users.

Mobile App

In 2017, when the web application had been launched, tested, and used by their current users, MProfit came back to us to work on the UX and UI for the mobile application. We used all the learnings from the web application and worked on a simple mobile app that consists of features that customers need to access on the go.

MProfit’s Mobile app UI design by Bokaap UX UI StudioMProfit’s Mobile app UI design by Bokaap Design UX UI Studio
MProfit’s Mobile app UI design by Bokaap Design UX UI Studio

What’s Next

We’ve been working with MProfit for five years on their entire re-branding, and we still serve as their design team for new features and marketing creatives. The biggest joy of working with them is that they trust us in their journey.

We have been very happy with the work they have done, and we trust them to deliver on many of our organisation’s design requirements. We look forward to collaborating with them again in the future!

- Atik Shah, Business Development Manager